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CAD Plant Materials Symbols and Plant Legend

Below are the previews for the Plant Materials CAD blocks and Plant Legend. All the symbols are displayed below so you know exactly what you are purchasing!

AutoCAD Blocks CAD Symbols Plant Materials-01

Plan view plant CAD blocks help you create your landscape designs very quickly. Don't spend time trying to create all the different plant symbols that you need, they are all here for you to get started right away!

AutoCAD Blocks Landscape Design Plant Materials-02

The Landscape design materials list legend below is a great starter legend! You can add, delete, and change anything you need to design a specific plant material legend for you CAD landscape projects. It's designed to be a starter legend, meaning it's very basic. Just use AutoCAD's editing commands and text commands to fill in the rows and columns. You can insert your plants symbols very quickly too.

AutoCAD Plant Materials Legend

The plant material CAD blocks and plant legend are available to download NOW!

Click on the red arrow below to return to the Plant Materials products so you can get started!

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